Welcome to the Junior Driffield Striders! This is the seventeenth year the Driffield Striders have provided training sessions for local junior athletes. We’re thrilled you are thinking about joining the team and hope to meet you soon!
Who can attend
We are fun and welcoming club for all athletes aged between 8 – 16 years old.
Our sessions are grounded in the England Athletics curriculum pathway. By combining games, technical drills, and fun activities, we strive to build each young athlete’s confidence and proficiency in fundamental athletics skills that are essential for a variety of sports.
When do junior striders meet
During the lighter and warmer months (typically April – September), we train weekly outdoors on the track at Driffield Secondary School. Over the winter months, we move to fortnightly indoor sessions at Driffield Secondary school.
Our sessions are term-time only on Thursday’s between 6-7pm.
How much does it cost
Payments are £10 for four sessions payable on the first session attended. For new starters, we offer a free taster session.
2024/25 indoor dates
Junior Striders has now moved to indoor training over winter months. Sessions are fortnightly from 6pm-7pm at Driffield Secondary School in West Hall.
- 9 and 23 January
- 6 and 27 February
- 13 and 27 March
- 3 and 24 April

Junior striders at outdoor training session
The team
Each session is led by a team of qualified professionals, including Cindy, the athletics coach; Eileen and Vicky, coaching assistants in athletics; and volunteer helpers Gaye, Michael, Paul, and Ethan.
How to get involved
If you would like to join us for a taster session, please contact isobelg@hotmail.co.uk or p.grinstead2@btinternet.com.
If your junior athlete would like to join the team, please fill out the consent form and email to isobelg@hotmail.co.uk.
For more details contact: Paul Grinstead – 01377 255272 (p.grinstead2@btinternet.com).
Other information
All junior athletes must bring a water bottle. If a session is cancelled due to bad weather we will update the Driffield Striders Facebook page to inform parents.
To purchase junior striders running kit please visit H & K embroidery – orders can be taken online or in store.